Thursday, July 1, 2021

Idaho public school teachers defend pushing critical race theory on students

Idaho public officials consider their conservative state to be immune to the progressive education movement, arguing "It's not happening here." Meanwhile, 14 Idaho public school teachers are defending pushing CRT on students.

The Zinn Education Project created a national petition that has collected thousands of signatures from teachers pledging to violate state laws that ban critical race theory in public schools, including 14 signatures from Idaho teachers.

The petition states that Idaho's law aims "To prohibit teachers from teaching the truth about this country: It was founded on dispossession of Native Americans, slavery, structural racism and oppression; and structural racism is a defining characteristic of our society today." Opponents of Idaho's law, like the teachers who signed Zinn's petition, will argue that these laws will hurt efforts intended to address racism.

The law says, "No public institution of higher education, school district, or public school, including a public charter school, shall direct or otherwise compel students to personally affirm that any sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color or national origin is inherently superior or inferior; that individuals should be adversely treated on the basis of their sex, race, ethnicity, religion, color or national origin." Nor can educational institutions use public money to do so.

Do teachers opposing this law want schools to be in the business of teaching race essentialism, collective guilt, racial superiority, and discriminatory treatment of some children by denying them equal protection of the law? Where are the teachers who will stand against indoctrination in Idaho's public schools? If there are any teachers opposing this abhorrent form of discrimination in Idaho schools, it's time to speak out.

Parents need to start paying attention and identify teachers who are dedicated to standing up for student's rights.

Teachers should support education-not indoctrination. 

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