Saturday, July 31, 2021

Democrats Pass Bill to Allow Illegal Immigrants to Be Hired as Congressional Staffers

A new Democratic push to reward illegal immigrants has begun.

This week, House Democrats passed a huge legislative branch budget that changes the rules to allow participants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program to work for Congress, according to Fox News.

Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio praised the effort to have illegal immigrants work in the halls of power.

Do you think illegal immigrants should be able to serve as congressional staffers?

After lawsuits claiming that, in essence, the executive branch could not unilaterally set immigration policy without the legislative branch's approval, a federal judge ruled earlier this month that DACA is illegal.

Democrats are hoping to use their existing House and Senate majorities to cement for all time their desire to allow illegal immigrants a path to citizenship.

Because the legislative tactic Democrats are using to pass the spending legislation effectively bypasses all 50 GOP senators, Democrats only need to have approval from the Senate parliamentarian that such a proposal can be attached to a spending bill. 

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