Friday, July 30, 2021

Wake up America- Democrats to expand Capitol Police across the USA

This week, the alarm bells reached a fever pitch when it was learned that the same people calling to "Defund the police"-that's our police not their police are planning to expand their police beyond the borders of Washington, D.C. Efforts to expand Capitol Police outside DC, and particularly in conservative states, must be refused by governors, and resisted mightily.

So why on Earth do we need to expand the U.S. Capitol Police into a nationalized police agency?

Yes, despite all the caterwauling, whining and grandstanding about police accountability, those same demands are being ignored when it comes to the US Capitol police.

The over 18,000 police agencies across the U.S., state and municipal are required to release documents under FOIA, some which are "Law enforcement sensitive," yet the Capitol Police gets absolute immunity from releasing records? What exactly are they trying to hide?

While Nancy Pelosi and her minions are calling for state and local police departments to be defunded, the proposed budget under the Legislative Branch for 2021 would increase spending for the Capitol Police across the board, which would fund the department at over one-half a billion dollars, or $520.2 million.

Daniel Schuman, the group's policy director said that almost 10 percent of annual arrests made by Capitol police officers are made at Union Station, located near the US Capitol.

If Capitol Police can snipe someone from the opposing political side of the aisle and never have their identity revealed, the why not expand your field offices and get more of your power exerted and extended. 

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