Saturday, July 31, 2021

Congress Shouldn't Allow Mass Amnesty into Infrastructure Bill

Democrats hope to use the massive $3.5 trillion "Infrastructure" bill as a vehicle to pass mass amnesty for a significant portion of the nation's illegal alien population - without having to debate this controversial amnesty measure on its own merits.

Throwing mass amnesty spending into the infrastructure mix - without allowing a transparent discussion on the Senate floor and without input from the American people - is an enormous mistake that will endanger public safety and national security.

The Biden Administration and Senate Democrats are sending a clear message that illegal aliens can freely violate our nation's immigration laws and be rewarded with coveted American citizenship.

Illegal immigration is already costing U.S. taxpayers at least $116 billion annually, and the tab will only increase with the passage of amnesty.

Many of the 7,000 illegal aliens are creating public safety issues for towns and communities across the country with crimes including assault, homicide, sexual offenses, domestic violence, property damage, etc.

If our elected leaders in Washington truly have the conviction to support amnesty for illegal aliens, they should have the courage to publicly fight for it.

Ossoff and Warnock, believe spending tax dollars in amnesty for illegal aliens is a measure worthy of their support, they should stop hiding the effort from public view, strip the budget item out of a national infrastructure bill, and have an open, honest debate regarding this highly controversial issue. 

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