Thursday, July 1, 2021

Faucists Weaponize The Delta Variant

The Delta variant of the novel coronavirus has been artificially mutated by man.

Earlier this week, we laid out the case that the political left was using the Delta variant to whip up more fear.

On Tuesday, the Post reported the spread of the Delta variant had prompted "New restrictions worldwide," explaining that its "Rapid spread" had "Forced a growing number of countries to reimpose lockdowns and other public health restrictions."

Just what are the details about the Delta variant, which is looking more and more like the next threat to liberty? Is it more transmissible and potentially deadlier, as Joe Biden and many others claim?

It's transmissibility has not been established, though one untrustworthy source on this topic, the New York Times, says it "Is believed to be the most transmissible variant yet," believed being a key word in the passage.

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, who unlike Ferrer is a physician, tweeted this week about a "New public England study of" the delta variant showing "44 deaths out of 53,822 in unvaccinated group."

The Delta variant is handy for keeping the cauldron of fetid political stew stirred, a handy bludgeon against our rights. 

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