Monday, April 26, 2021

Sen. Manchin Backs ‘Targeted' Infrastructure Bill, Opposes Reconciliation

Sen. Joe Manchin said on April 25 he would support passing a smaller infrastructure bill with bipartisan support, appearing to oppose the scope of President Joe Biden's plan.

In an interview with CNN, the Democratic senator said that he prefers a "More targeted" measure that would incorporate broadband internet, roads, and other traditional infrastructure needs.

Manchin praised the GOP's smaller, more targeted counterproposal to Biden's infrastructure plan.

Last week, Manchin appeared to disagree with what constitutes "Infrastructure," as Biden's administration and some top Democrats have tried to shift the meaning of the term away from facilities and structures such as buildings, roads, bridges, water pipes, and power supplies required to organize a society.

"What we think the greatest need we have now, that can be done in a bipartisan way, is conventional infrastructure whether it's the water, sewer, roads, bridges, internet-things that we know need to be repaired, be fixed," Manchin said at a press conference.

"There is not a greater common cause than infrastructure," Manchin also said on April 23.

"If we can't come together on infrastructure in the most toxic atmosphere we've had in Washington, then we're in trouble." 

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