Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Biden's Catastrophic Global Warming Policies

As the Wall Street Journal writes, previous such policies have done little to stop what are in fact relatively slight increases in global temperatures.

The policies necessary to reduce emissions by the Paris Accord's 26-28% that Biden and the green lobby want, will be devastating to the economy.

As the Journal reports, replacing carbon-based energy with so-called "Renewables" would alone ruin the economy, while only lowering global temperatures by a scant 0.17% Celsius, nowhere near the 1.5 degrees that will supposedly stop the predicted global catastrophe.

The real scandal is that the catastrophic, anthropogenic global warming hypothesis is getting pretty wobbly, calling into question the whole pretext for Biden's exorbitant program.

Global warming has been a gold-mine for "Climate science" researchers, electric car manufacturers, "Green energy" subsidies and consultants, globe-trotting EU and UN functionaries, "Renewable energy" businesses, and the global warming lobby comprising grant-hounds, grifters, celebrities, and carnival acts like Greta Thunberg.

Green crises like global warming provide opportunities for countries like Germany, as vain about its environmental purity as it is about its pacifism, to criticize the U.S. and damage its prestige.

Catastrophic global warming is the mother of all "Crises" that "Shouldn't go to waste." Addressing global warming exacts huge costs, both in taxpayer money and the thousands of regulations that erode profits, drive up prices for consumers, and make large-scale infrastructure projects more expensive.


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