Monday, April 26, 2021

NYC Unleashing Army Of 10,000 ‘Cleanup Corps' As Trash, Rodent Complaints Soar

New York City is in the process of hiring and deploying 10,00 workers for a newly created "City Cleanup Corps" after complaints over filthy conditions surged 150% between March and August 2020, and rodent complaints spiked as well according to Bloomberg, citing data from the city's 311 service request line.

The push to restore some of the city's pandemic related cuts to the sanitation budget comes as Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a $30 million tourism push this week.

With de Blasio departing City Hall later this year due to term limits, the cleanup job will have to be completed by his successor.

Sanitation intersects with climate, public health, safety, transportation and the city's economic recovery.

Cleaning the streets will reinvigorate the culture and tourism that keeps money flowing into New York, said Margaret Chin, a City Council representative for Lower Manhattan and a member of its sanitation committee.

According to the report, trash levels are now higher than last year's peaks as people return to the city, while online deliveries have generated massive amounts of waste.

By the end of March, waste tonnage had risen approximately 15% vs. the first few months of the pandemic, city data reveal. 

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