Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Mainstream Media's Incessant Lies Are Tearing America Apart

As a 38-year-old American, I cannot recall a time in my adult life when the mainstream media peddled such blatant lies on a daily basis.

Most Americans realize the mainstream media are biased.

Perhaps we should review a few of the many lies perpetuated by the mainstream media over just the past few years.

Why has the mainstream media abandoned all pretenses of political neutrality in favor of pushing lies?

The Media Research Council has prepared an exhaustive study on this subject, titled "The Liberal Media: Every Poll Shows Journalists Are More Liberal than the American Public - And the Public Knows It," which unequivocally shows media members skew to the left side of the political spectrum.

The mainstream media lies relentlessly and most members of the mass media are leftists.

Over the past year, the mainstream media have arguably lost whatever smidgeon of credibility they had left.


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