Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Democrats Are Far More Responsible For Worsening This Pandemic Than They Want To Admit

The Democrats showed terrible judgment by holding up the CARES Act to give money to their favorite entities like the Kennedy Center, only to have them lay off the entire orchestra.

Dereliction of duty, lying under oath, tampering of evidence, destruction of evidence, witness tampering, operation an illegal server outside of a secured data center, using a personal unsecured phone to discuss classified information, failing to secure classified documents, just to name a few properly.

I would say putting people in harm's way, then refusing to help them and leaving them to die when they got in trouble, followed by lying about it under oath is a little different than having a global pandemic and working 24/7 to save millions of American lives.

MANY BELIEVE DEMS HELPED CAUSE THIS PANDEMIC. Democrats are FAR more responsible for causing this pandemic, for its severity, for our lack of preparedness, for our lack of needed medications and PPE, and for colluding with China to cover it up.

The simplest explanation for Democrat misanthropy lies in their unwavering BELIEF that they are never wrong.

Such people should be kept as far away from positions of power as possible because by failing to adapt to new circumstances appropriately, they place the entire country at risk.

Liberalism will never be on the side of the American People.

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