Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Government Economy

The point about government isn't ideological because government spending was about the only contributor to growth in the first quarter, adding 0.13% to GDP. Nearly all of that was federal spending, with states chipping in 0.2%. Congratulations.

Anyone who thinks government can replace the private economy in creating opportunity for Americans should examine the carnage from the shutdowns.

The government had to play a role in financing the shutdown it ordered because only government has the borrowing and lending capacity to counter a potential depression.

The more the government extends its political control into private decisions beyond the shutdown, the slower the recovery will be.

Senator Josh Hawley wants the government to guarantee 80% of employer payroll costs up to the national median wage.

The government has already appropriated $2.9 trillion for coronavirus relief.

His best chance to win now is to offer a pro-growth vision and policies that can save the post-virus economy from the stranglehold of government.

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