Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Coronavirus, China, and Troublesome Involved Americans.

This is the state of the political left and their mainstream media sycophants.  Quote: "If the media had consistently lied about liberal icon FDR the way that they currently lie about President Trump, FDR would have been locking reporters in internment camps with the Japanese. It’s been four years and ten months since Donald John Trump walked down the golden escalator and into American history. Has the mainstream media told the truth about him, even once, in those four years and ten months? But now that we have a public health emergency and an economic emergency devastating the country, we’re suddenly supposed to think the media is filled with truth-telling integrity and honesty. Yeah, right. The lame stream media and a lot of people in power have done nothing but continue to lie to us about this public health emergency. Trump was a racist for shutting down incoming foreign flights. Then he was a failure because he didn’t shut down the flights soon enough. Then he was a racist for speaking plainly about where the virus came from. (“It’s called Chi-nah!”) On and on and on." And, "China does not want President Trump reelected in November, because he’s been too tough on them when it comes to straightening out our trade imbalance. The media doesn’t want Trump reelected because they want to go back to the halcyon days of their party, the Democrats, being [in] charge. The China-Mainstream Media alliance is an “enemy of my enemy is my friend” situation. They have the exact same goals, and they are both willing to lie to you if it helps them to “get Trump.”"  https://www.leagueofpower.com/medias-anti-trump-track-record-inspires-tons-of-confidence/   It is fair to say our corrupt mainstream media and their vast array of equally corrupted left wing political and other like minded partners are the enemy of our Federal Republic and honest law abiding American citizens.

Kurt Schlichter usually lays things on the line.  This is one of those pieces. He focusses on the reality that China is a rogue nation and is an enemy of our country and the entire globe. And, calls out the rank idiocy of our crowd of left wing elite American enablers who kowtow to the Chinese communist leadership hook line and sinker. Here is a taste of what he has to say. First, he deals with their military ventures.  Quote: "But the Chinese main effort is not military. It is economic, supported with information operations and diplomatic initiatives. The massive, pervasive theft of our intellectual property has saved China trillions. The unfair trade deals we still accept have destroyed our manufacturing capability. And the ChiComs are aided and abetted by the globalist Fifth Columnists here at home who have been bought off by the opportunity to get rich selling us out to the Reds. Far too many people at the heights of power in our country, including but not limited to Grandpa Badfinger’s stoner son Hoover, are getting rich doing China’s bidding. If you point out that we are educating a generation of Chinese students and inviting in “scholars” and “workers” who are active agents of Chinese intelligence and who are stealing us blind, our garbage elite will provide cover against the necessary steps to stop this looting by labeling it as “racist.” China is using our idiotic political correctness fixation as a propaganda weapon, and diplomatically it is going to the rest of the world and inviting them to sign up with the winning team."  Here is just some of what he says needs to happen.  "We need to take this moment to understand that Red China is a hostile power seeking to defeat us economically. We need to aggressively repatriate critical industries home from China. We need our own drug industry back, our own rare-earth mining capacity, our own steel sector. We need to waive the frivolous regulatory nonsense that made China attractive to businesses in the first place. If the EPA keeps us from mining rare earth elements, it’s the EPA that needs to go, not our capacity to obtain these critical resources. We need to do what China does without hesitation: bar Chinese companies or Chinese-controlled companies from participating in critical infrastructure like 5G. We also need to stop pretending China is a developing nation and demand it fund all international organizations at America’s level. That it owns the WHO, yet pays a fraction of what we do is ridiculous. In too many ways – including in the idiotic climate hoax arena – China gets an edge by pretending it is not a First World nation and getting breaks we do not."   https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2020/04/27/what-to-do-about-china-and-its-american-lackeys-n2567611?    I, for one, tend to agree with his sentiments.  

Who nominated Bill Gates to be the man in charge of dictating our nation's coronavirus actions, population control techniques and health damaging vaccine pogroms against innocent people here at home and abroad???  This man may be smart and business savvy but he is also a very arrogant and dangerous tyrannically oriented globalist. Quote: "In an April 9 interview with NPR, Gates was positively acting like this is all his call. "As we follow the numbers into May and see if we can get them down to a very low level, then in parallel, this debate about which things have benefits to society and can be formatted so the infection risk is very low, which things should we resume?" Gates pondered aloud. "I do think manufacturing, construction, a lot of things we'll do, but large public gatherings may have to await until we have that vaccine." It's always about vaccines with Gates, the biggest individual promoter of immuno-inoculations on the planet. But Gates' dream of controlling world health is currently getting a startling boost in authority via his IHME initiative as Americans remain shut in their homes and breathlessly await word from "experts" as to when they might be liberated. Make no mistake, this is a role IHME is fully embracing. One of its professors, Ali H. Mokdad, had the arrogance to write an article April 22 for the Think Global Health website, which is run by the notorious globalist organization the Council on Foreign Relations, that lists when the group deems it acceptable for each state in the nation to reopen. "Americans owe it to those who have lost their lives, their loved ones, and their livelihoods to proceed with caution," Mokdad asserted. "To help states weigh the risks of easing physical distancing measures against the economic consequences of prolonged lockdowns, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) has projected when it could be safe for states to begin to reopen, if and only if appropriate public health strategies are in place. And of course mainstream media outlets swallow this claim to authority whole, thus further buttressing it. An article in The Hill dutifully promoted the IHME guidelines. "When will it be safe for your state to reopen during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic?" read the alarmist headline that accompanied the piece." And, "IHME is pro-abortion and pro-population control. A 2016 IHME Global Burden of Disease study co-authored by Director Murray bluntly declares: "Several challenges to improving reproductive health lie ahead in the [Sustainable Development Goal] era. Countries should establish or renew systems for collection and timely dissemination of health data; expand coverage and improve quality of family planning services, including access to contraception and safe abortion to address high adolescent fertility; invest in improving health system capacity, including coverage of routine reproductive health care...."  IHME openly boasts that the United Nations Population Fund relies on its Global Burden of Disease Data to more effectively push population control around the world."    https://freepressers.com/articles/meet-the-experts-who-with-bill-gates-appear-to-be-calling-the-shots    Gates is the epitome of a far left wing billionaire who thinks because he is ultra-rich he can tell the rest of us what we can and cannot do with our own bodies and what we need to believe according to his dictatorial guidelines. All of his activities are "couched" in humanitarian and philanthropic terms which belies his ultimate intent which is left wing global dominance. Funny isn't it how so many filthy rich people move to the political left when they recognize that with their wealth and its inherent power they can take control over the lives of lesser beings.  Remember that Gates is in league with the left wingers running our nation's NIH and NIAID and the globlist WHO. And, to make matters worse Gates is also working on creating a vaccine that will simultaneously implant into our bodies a means for big government to keep track of us, assure we are pumped with the right vaccinations and control/monitor our spending and movements. That diabolical scheme alone should scare everyone.

For those still unsure about the information provided regarding concerns we should have about Bill Gate, please consider this. It should push you over the hump. Quote: "Billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates recently defended the communist Chinese government's response to the coronavirus pandemic, arguing that they "did a lot of things right at the beginning." As for America's response to the virus — he said that it was "particularly poor." His stunning comments came during an interview with Fareed Zakaria on CNN Sunday."  And, "Gates went on to call criticisms of China "a distraction." Gates seems to have forgotten that Chinese authorities have been lying about the virus since the start of the outbreak late last year in Wuhan. They censured and reprimanded early whistleblowers who sought to inform the public about the dangers of a novel coronavirus spreading within Wuhan. Health care workers were silenced and citizen journalists went missing. It wasn't until December 31 that China finally reported the virus to the country's World Health Organization office. Officials claimed that the outbreak started in a Wuhan wet market where bats were sold, but is becoming more and more likely that the virus accidentally originated in a Wuhan virology lab. Officials claimed for weeks that the virus could not spread between humans despite very early evidence of human-to-human transmission. For at least 6 key days, they peddled the lies."    https://www.theblaze.com/news/bill-gates-praised-china-coronavirus-propaganda?   Do you still think Gates is for us and not for China and his ambition to thrust total control of his demented political ideas to the care and oversight to the likes of China and their partners running a global socialist/communist cabal?  What would such a healthcare system look like???... Think on that...

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