Thursday, April 30, 2020

CNN Coronavirus Coverage & China: News Network Toes Beijing Line

"Who controls the present controls the past." In the aftermath of the coronavirus outbreak that originated in Wuhan, China, many interested parties have attempted to rewrite recent events that are barely even history, much as happens in Orwell's dystopian novel.

In a CNN "Analysis," James Griffiths admits that China's leaders "Have not been blind to the opportunity" that coronavirus presents to flaunt the supposed superiority of their own political model.

Griffiths then proceeds to toe the Beijing line on China's handling of the coronavirus, America's efforts, and the global implications of both.

Directly bearing on the crisis at hand, China engaged in typical totalitarian behavior by suppressing early knowledge of the infection's spread. By imprisoning whistleblowers, it delayed public awareness of the virus's spread by several weeks.

The suppression of the information allowed China to publicly condone mass gatherings in a knowingly infected city and to allow thousands of citizens to leave the country.

Griffiths takes at face value China's self-reported figures indicating that it has dealt better with the coronavirus than other places have.

He lauds Chinese influence, such as the popularity of its Internet model in the wake of "Crises around fake news and online disinformation," but he doesn't mention that China itself is pushing coronavirus disinformation.

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