Friday, December 1, 2017

Interesting And Not So Good Things To Think About 1

This is a very interesting piece dealing with the history of Isreal's political leftist leadership and the notion of genocide.  Quote: "So much for rogue religious rightwing settlers twisting Israel’s arm.  Those who have followed the Zionist historical trace may not be surprised by these statements, nor that they are uttered by ‘liberal-Zionists’, by ‘leftists’. The logic here is, after all, Zionism 101. Nonetheless, they can still be shocking to read, and they should be. These are statements that convey clear intention of ethnic cleansing, and even Genocide. Emptying out, suffocation, deprivation of water till orchards wither. These words are not uttered by rightist Zionist leaders, but by leftist ones. No wonder Israel keeps these archives hidden for 50 years and more."     Ethnic cleansing has been a long standing tradition of American political leftists, too.  Before you say no way, check your history. Leftist activities by some of our past nation's leaders promoted genocide of both native American Indians and blacks.  Hitler admired their efforts so much that he copied some of them with his ethic cleansing of jews, homosexuals, gypsies and more. Leftist Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sanger preached genocide of blacks and other undesirables.  Ask yourself why is it that so many Planned Parenthood facilities are located near by to predominantly black communities. Sorry to say but that is all true.  One observation about the Jews and Muslims of today.  They employ genocide tactics against Jews, Christians and other ethnicities.  Jews do not promote genocide on anyone. Nor do Christians.  So when you think of the horrible crime of genocide you know that it predominantly comes from the twisted thinking of the political left, no matter how much they may claim to love everyone and are the nicest, most concerned and tolerant people on earth.  That is a patently false narrative if ever there was one.

This is something many people have known and understood about our two major political parties and is why I do not owe my allegiance to either one. I am an independent conservative with some libertarian leanings.  Quote: "“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” — John Adams, The Works of John Adams  Political parties exist to give the illusion of choice. But the “choices” they give you are choices they decide upon. You have very little say in it. Plainly stated, an elite group rules no matter which political party appears to be in power."

Much of what this assessment of past and ongoing performance of government affairs covers gives one reason to pause as to what in the world were/are we doing?

Something to ponder. Quote: "I often write articles analyzing mainstream news assertions. I show that the implications of these assertions are titanic absurdities. This is one of those articles. People don’t seem to understand what the Trump dossier claims. Among other things, it states that the Russians had, and have, sufficient blackmail information on Trump to control him. This is quite fantastic. A US president under the thumb of Putin and his top intelligence operatives. Let that sink in. Now imagine you’re Putin. You’re holding this gigantic ace in the deck. Through a long and carefully wrought plan, you’ve won the Holy Grail of intelligence work. To what degree would you protect your secret and your victory? To the greatest degree possible."  Now read the ridiculous nature of the left's claims.

Radical left leaning feminists are not nice people.  This item is just one example.  Quote: "This is modern feminism. What may have begun as a well-meaning movement to elevate women has now turned into a cancerous hatred of everything male. It isn’t enough that women advance; innocent men must be pulled down and made to suffer at the same time.  Let’s demonstrate just how vile these views are. By replacing the subject but leaving the rest of the message intact, here’s what Emily Lindin’s stance looks like in a different light. Imagine if she had said the exact same thing about people of color. “I’m actually not at all concerned about innocent black people losing their jobs over false criminal allegations.”   Hillary fits in this mode.  She is a total hypocrite.  Compare her effort to box in Trump during the presidential debates and her disgusting performance ever since she lost the election - a 100% turn around.

This is an apt depiction of the fiasco Nancy Pelosi pulled off on Meet The Press this past Sunday. 

This item follows up the previous one.  It speaks to the unbelievable support leftists and especially feminists give to Muslims.  If they truly cared about women's rights they would condemn the horrific conditions women face from their dress, their ability to be independent of the control of men, call for the halt of mutilating female private parts, to honor killings and more. Quote: "A Jordanian woman living in Michigan is seeking court protection from being deported back to her homeland out of fear that she will be killed as soon as she returns in accordance with Islamic Shariah law."  Feminists and leftists are an irrational lot.   You will remember that Hillary collected millions of dollars from Muslim countries that treat women horribly.  She took the money and ran without any preconditions to improve their treatment of women.  So much for her claim to have been fighter and defender of women's rights all life.  That is just one more of her many lies.

This and the next item point out areas where progressive policies are failures.  And, 

This item shares information about the federal reserve and its repeated but failed attempts to manage booms and busts and issues now front and center.

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