Monday, December 18, 2017

Education 1

If anyone still thinks that many on the political left/progressives/Democrats are not stark raving mad maybe this item will help.  Quote: "A white male professor of philosophy has discovered that in order to have an academic career in these days he must find “white privilege” everywhere. Professor John Caputo, according to this report,, has found white male privilege in reason itself. Reason, says Professor Caputo, “is a white male Euro-Christian construction.” Since reason is white, reason is not neutral. It implies that what is not white is not rational. “So white is philosophically relevant and needs to be philosophically critiqued.”  And, "“Universities have become a place of UN-learning, where you unlearn culture, unlearn values like free speech, unlearn science and math, unlearn truth and thinking, unlearn objective truths like differences between males and females, etc. It seems the only thing taught now is hate, and you pay exorbitant sums of money to learn to hate.”    That last quote points to a major reason so much is going wrong.  The wrong people with terribly wrong ideas are pretending to teach but are instead destroying student ability to think logically with their irresponsible, irrational, unfounded leftist hateful propaganda.  Be careful where our children go to school at secondary through university levels.  Far, far too many are actively seeking to destroy the minds of future generations and our republic.

This is the evidence of a sin being purposely perpetrated by left leaning colleges and universities against American students.  Quote: "Homosexuality is a special focus of universities, particularly in “gender studies” courses. Northwestern University seeks to explore homosexuality in medieval Europe with its “Medieval Sexuality” class, promising to teach the “fluidity of sex and gender roles in an age before ‘sexual orientation’; impact of and resistance to Christian theology’s negative assessment of sexuality; the cult of chastity.”  A gender studies course at the University of Indiana “explores how womanhood is produced, perceived, and performed in modern American culture,” “from accusations of ‘Resting B—- Face’ to hails of ‘Yaaas, Queen!'"    Can anyone tell me the usefulness of such courses other than progressive/Cultural Marxism propaganda????

This provides insight into what progressives believe education should be.  In a word, Indoctrination. Quote: "A paper written by George Counts in 1932 is a prime example of this fact. Counts, an educator who eventually went on to lead the American Federation of Teachers, was so bold to ask if the education system dared to build a new social order. He wrote: “If Progressive Education is to be genuinely progressive, it must emancipate itself from the influence of this class, face squarely and courageously every social issue, come to grips with life in all of its stark reality, establish an organic relation with the community, develop a realistic and comprehensive theory of welfare, fashion a compelling and challenging vision of human destiny, and become less frightened than it is today at the bogies of imposition and indoctrination.”  Counts went on to say that education in the 1930s was operating under several fallacies, one of which was the concept of valueless, or non-biased instruction: “There is the fallacy that the school should be impartial in its emphases, that no bias should be given instruction. … My thesis is that complete impartiality is utterly impossible, that the school must shape attitudes, develop tastes, and even impose ideas.”    That philosophy prevails and is exactly what government run secondary public schools and universities do and have been doing so for a very long time.

This law professor has a really unique set of guidelines for his students which he finds increasing unprepared for the rigid task of studying law. Quote: "A professor of law at Faulkner University in Montgomery, Alabama, has had enough of millennial students who rely on trendy terms so they can deride the wisdom of the ages. Adam MacLeod, associate professor of law at Jones School of Law, wrote an article for The New Boston Post in which he published a speech that warned his first-year law students he would not accept any words ending in “ism.” MacLeod’s preamble to his speech stated, “For several years now my students have been mostly Millennials. Contrary to stereotype, I have found that the vast majority of them want to learn. But true to stereotype, I increasingly find that most of them cannot think, don’t know very much, and are enslaved to their appetites and feelings. Their minds are held hostage in a prison fashioned by elite culture and their undergraduate professors. They cannot learn until their minds are freed from that prison.”

With professors like this we can be sure they are propagandizing progressivism/socialism rather that teaching what needs to be learned in order to be a productive citizen.  They teach them to be good little people and believe and do what you are told by your betters who know all.

This is an incredibly good news item!!!  Clemson University is bucking the Liberal trend of colleges and universities pushing socialism. Quote: "The primary role of the Socratic Tutor is to help our students translate moral theory into practice. It’s not good enough to read, for instance, Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics or Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments without thinking about how to apply their moral principles to day-to-day life. We believe that a free society can only be sustained if its citizenry understands and act upon certain moral virtues. Applications for the program have exploded, showing us that young people want to think seriously and deeply about fundamental, timeless, and life-changing questions, such as: How shall I live my life? What is justice? What is freedom? What is friendship? What is the best form of government? Secondly, the response to the program shows that students are specifically interested in studying the ideas and institutions that make human flourishing and prosperity possible. We aim to reinvigorate American higher education with a model that is both needed and that can be replicated at other universities and colleges. We hope to generate study and ideas that will be part of a new birth of freedom in America."

This is an indictment of our current education system and the culture that permits such to be.   Quote: "I also believe students need to approach university with an openness to being challenged. If a student is not willing to discuss topical issues in an open and respectful way with peers who may have vastly different perspectives, that student should take a year off and only return to university if and when he or she is ready for dialogue and debate. The reason I chose to pursue a master’s degree in the first place was not to advance my career prospects, but to advance my intellectual horizons. I am not sure I am achieving this goal, as I find myself surrounded by professors and students who are intent on pushing an ideological agenda, censoring certain topics from the classroom, and enforcing echo chambers of homogenous thought. I accept that I am partly to blame for this. I have been complicit in self-censorship these past years, by staying silent for fear of expressing ideas that could make me a pariah among the authoritarian left, who seem to think they have a stronghold on classroom morality."

The left's narratives are coming off the rails in so many ways and places.  This identifies a false narrative in their propagandist educational enterprises.  Quote: "Rather than investigate an obvious scam, the media published education fake news until forced by whistleblowers. The media now reports this as possible school malfeasance, but their education fake news story was part of the problem. There is no way that anyone could be legitimately naïve enough to believe this story."  And, "“I’ve never seen kids in the 12th grade that couldn’t read and write,” says Butcher about his two decades teaching in low-performing schools from New York City to Florida. But he saw this at Ballou, and it wasn’t just one or two students. An internal email obtained by WAMU and NPR from April shows two months before graduation, only 57 students were on track to graduate, with dozens of students missing graduation or community service requirements or failing classes needed to graduate. In June, 164 students received diplomas. “It was smoke and mirrors. That is what it was,” says Butcher."     Not a honest bone can be found on the side of the political leftist socialistic enterprises no matter be it media, politics, corporate cronyism or education.   

1 comment:

Paulina Cameron said...

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