Friday, November 24, 2017

'Special Counsel' Mueller Is Guilty of Misconduct and Must Resign

What's a witch-hunter to do when there's no witch, and witchcraft itself turns out to be imaginary?  When even the latest accusation against the biggest scapegoat of the house is a crock?
Alan Dershowitz, a liberal in good standing with occasional fits of constitutional sanity, has called on Bob Mueller, aka "The Special Prosecutor," to resign, 'cause there's no there there. 
Professor Dershowitz points out that Trump may be guilty of sins "but not crimes."  Well, if POTUS Trump is a sinner, I hope the Lord forgives him, along with the rest of us.  But if all sinners went to Hell, there would be no room for the rest of us. 
The case against Bob Mueller and his squad of Democrat witch-hunters is much stronger than merely fraud against the taxpayer.  Purely politically motivated persecutions under color of law are major violations of the United States Constitution and English Common Law, from which our everyday laws are largely derived.  In civilized legal codes, persecutions of designated witches under color of law (any law they can find or make up) are strictly forbidden and should be punished by ABA disbarment, imprisonment, and perhaps confiscation of ill gotten gains.  This would include every single taxpayer penny spent on this enormous hoax.
This is the problem that faced the Vatican Office of the Inquisition in the 19th century, when Vatican cardinals began to wonder if burning Catholic heretics was still trendy.  In Massachusetts, the Puritan divines stopped ordering scarlet letters for women accused of adultery.  And with the rise of the political Enlightenment and the Constitution, scapegoating went out of fashion in civilized circles, with the exception of KKK lynchings in the South and numerous mobs aimed at victims of agitprop in Marxist and Hitlerite parts of the world. 

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