Friday, November 17, 2017

Sex Scandals: Who's Really to Blame?

After months of an incessant drumbeat of Trump-Russia collusion, big media is taking a break, having a new bone to chew, specifically the Judge Roy Moore story. Another of a string of famous men and past sex scandals ranging from boorish behavior to harassment and rape.
In past years, this type of behavior only warranted media coverage if a Republican was involved. Democrats were typically given a pass, the story downplayed, excuses made, the accusers challenged, and the story buried.
With Harvey Weinstein, this pattern changed. Harvey was a loyal Democrat, donating large sums of money to the party, holding fundraisers, supporting all the right causes from abortion to global warming.
The dominos continue to fall as we learn of many other sexual predators in Hollywood and the media. Not only Hollywood types, but members of Congress. As recently reported, $15 million was paid out to Congressional accusers after sexual harassment allegations. The same Congress that can’t figure out how to cut taxes can rely on taxpayers to fund hush money for their boorish behavior.
The common denominator for Weinstein, Richard Dreyfus, George Takei, Kevin Spacey, Mark Halperin, and Louis CK is that all are Democrats. Maybe not in party registration, but in philosophy and their anti-Trump, anti-conservative views, supporting all of the proper liberal causes.

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