Friday, October 13, 2017

Items Of Interest 2

This is an example of the filth that is Hollywood.   You can learn a lot by noticing the character of the people that hang out with. He is a Clinton family friend. Typical for Bill and Hill.   Ironic isn't it that these fellows were good guys for the Democrats until their sexual misdeeds became public knowledge.  My guess is that many "former" friends knew all along but expressed shock to distance themselves from Weinstein. And this is the crowd that lambasted Trump for "words" considered unsavory despite Bill Clinton's long history of actual sexual misconduct.  They are a bunch of hypocrites. 

Here is an item that reviews the unfortunate truth about the cesspool known as Hollywood. Quote: "Hollywood is full of connoisseurs like Weinstein, men whose erotic imaginations are fueled primarily by humiliation, who glut their sensibilities with the most exquisite refinements of shame. A journalist once told me about visiting another very famous Hollywood producer—you’d know the name—who exhibited for my friend his collection of photographs of famous female actresses—you’d know their names, too—performing sexual acts for his private viewing. As with Weinstein, this man’s chief thrill was humiliation, and the more famous the target the more roundly it was savored: Even her, a big star—these people will do anything to land a role; they’re so awful, they’ll even do it for me. One of the refrains you hear today from media experts and journalists is that they’d known about Weinstein’s transgressions for a long time. The problem, they say, was that no one was able to nail down the story. Nonsense. Everyone had it, not just Waxman. Sure, reporters hadn’t been able to get any stars to go on the record. But that means the story journalists were pursuing wasn’t really about Weinstein’s sexual depredations. It means that what they wanted was a story about actresses, junior executives, or assistants who had been humiliated, maybe raped, and chose to remain quiet in exchange for money and/or a shot at fame. Of course no one was going to get that on the record—very few journalists would even want to publish a story like that. But journalists always had the actual story of how a Hollywood producer humiliated and sexually assaulted women. How? Because he victimized journalists."  And. " Bill Clinton offered get-out-of-jail-free cards to a whole army of sleazeballs, from Jeffrey Epstein to Harvey Weinstein to the foreign donors to the Clinton Global Initiative. The deal was simple: Pay up, genuflect, and get on with your existence. It was like a papacy selling indulgences, at the same time that everyone knew that the cardinals were up to no good. The 2016 election demolished Clinton world once and for all, to be replaced by the cult of Obama, an austere sect designated by their tailored hair shirts with Nehru collars. “That is not who we are as Americans,” they chant, as Harvey Weinstein’s ashes are scattered in the wind."

A very powerful piece depicting the cowardice of the Hollywood crowd, many of them leading figures who knew of Weinstein's behavior but were too afraid or too selfish to reveal the truth.  Quote: "In all these cases — the phony cowards like the Ashley Judds, the Meryl Streeps, the Hillary Clintons whose political races and foundations have been greased by pigs like Harvey Weinstein whose identification with Bill Clinton is all-too-comprehensible — the cowardice is overwhelming. Shivering, sniveling, gutless cowards who actually have been positioned for years and years to take down this pig. Had they done so, they could have spared dozens more women the shame and trauma of subsequent Weinstein assaults and outrages. But they were too cowardly to endanger their stations in Hollywood. Dared not speak out against a mogul, a “God.” Shivered, kept silent, perhaps endured silent nightmares and cold sweats. But nary a word. Because, while safely “speaking truth to power” from safe distances, they never would risk their own tuxedoes and glittering dinner gowns, their jewels and diamonds, and their access to invitations to the next Hollywood gala. Too dangerous. Too risky. Better to tweet a dismembered bloody head depicting the duly, lawfully, and democratically elected President of the United States. And then at the Awards ceremonies and the “Women’s marches” they congratulate themselves for their courage to wear vagina hats and obscene tee-shirts, to recite filthy “poems” and to speak of blowing up the White House. That is not “speaking truth to power.” It is the courage of cowards. And it is the sniveling, shriveling, shivering cowardice that even the Wizard of Oz could not heal."  

More on the Hollywood mess including cover ups.

The left is now promoting child pornography.  What is it with the left's obsession with sex?  Quote: "Pro-family advocates are up in arms about a recent animated Netflix cartoon series sexualizing children and promoting pedophilia that was recently showcased by “The late Show’s” Stephen Colbert. Nick Kroll, a co-creator of the so-called “Big Mouth” show, recently stumped his potentially dangerous series on Colbert’s show. The project focuses on adolescents struggling with puberty and sexual identity. The “Big Mouth” show is basically animated porn. It features hardcore masturbation, condom creatures, puberty fairies, and other grotesque characters that mock the seriousness of teen sexual identity and surrounding issues. The show crosses the line of decency again and again. In one scene, the “masturbation pillow” swoons for its sexual abuser and declares it wants to be more than just a “fling.”

This provide good food for thought.  Current conditions make it relevant to the mess our country is now in.  Quote: "Here’s what the rule of law means in a nutshell: it means that everyone is treated the same under the law, everyone is held equally accountable to abiding by the law, and no one is given a free pass based on their politics, their connections, their wealth, their status or any other bright line test used to confer special treatment on the elite. We need to stop being victimized by these predators. As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, I’m not just talking about the political predators in office, but the ones who are running the show behind the scenes—the shadow government—comprised of unelected government bureaucrats whose powers are unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and beyond the reach of the law. There is no way to erase the scars left by the government’s greed for money and power, its disregard for human life, its corruption and graft, its pollution of the environment, its reliance on excessive force in order to ensure compliance, its covert activities, its illegal surveillance, and its blatant disdain for the rule of law."

These two well known Hollywood actors now need to be boycotted.  They helped hide the despicable antics of well known and powerful Democrat operative and sexual predator Harvey Weinstein.   It is truly unfortunate that this former first lady has such high regard for this Weinstein sexual pervert and a women harasser to boot.  Remember when she said she felt sick to the stomach when Trump was caught making locker room talk?  She is nothing if not a hypocritical Democrat/leftist hack. She attacks anyone who does not agree with her but gives a pass no matter how heinous someone is so long as they are in her political camp. It is notable that she could not bring herself to say the same or worse about Bill Clinton.   That is the behavior of so called liberals and progressives who claim to be the most tolerant people in the universe. Past notes have exposed the absence of logic in so much of liberal/progressive thinking. Here are two brief examples that solidify the point.   And,

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