This is something that will cause anyone to engage in serious thought... Quote: "
The more I read, the more likeness I see to Sir John Glubb’s essay, The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival. (It’s only 24 pages and you should definitely read it – it’s brilliant.) Sir
Glubb wrote this outstanding work when he was 79 years old, after a
lifetime of being a soldier, traveling the world, and analyzing history.
It’s well worth a read as he goes into detail about the fall of empires
The final stage of the end of an empire is the Age of Decadence.
This item closely aligns with the previous one. Quote: "Washington is a parasite that sucks the rest of the country dry.
The counties surrounding Washington, D.C., have the highest per capita
income of any metropolitan area in the country including New York,
Hollywood and Silicon Valley. The unemployment rate is also the lowest
of any large region in the country. At least New York, Silicon Valley
and Hollywood all produce something we need or enjoy. Washington
produces red tape, taxes and new ways to handicap innovation on a daily
item shares the litany of damage done to our country by the political
left inside and outside government. Quote: "The American leftwing has
been transmogrified. The left, which formerly stood for “peace and
bread,” today stands for Identity Politics and war. The working class
has been redefined as “the Trump deplorables” and splintered into
separate “victim groups”—women, racial minorities, homosexuals,
transgendered. The oppressors are no longer oligarchs who own the means
of production. The oppressor is the sexist, misogynist, homophobic,
heterosexual, fascist, white supremacist male working class. The rise of
Identity Politics has brought with it politically controlled speech.
Primarily white people, especially heterosexual white males, are subject
to this control. The limits on their free speech are growing ever more
severe, and no one has to be concerned about white heterosexual males
being offended by offensive or threatening speech. White males can be
called anything and they are." And, "If husband and wife, mother and
father, can’t stay together, how does society stay together? How does
society stay together when Identity Politics teaches hate and inflames
social divisiveness? How does society stay together when thugs claiming
to be offended offend others by destroying historical monuments that are
associated with the memory or identity of others? How does society stay
together when its history is erased, its schools, streets, and public
buildings are renamed? As George Orwell said, “The most effective way to
destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of
their history.” The next monuments to be removed are those of the
Founding Fathers, racists all who adopted a Constitution that permitted
slavery, an inherited institution that they had no power to reform. In
the United States history is being rewritten and language corrupted in
order to foster hatred of white “oppressors,” especially white
heterosexual males. Little wonder Russia responds diplomatically to
Washington’s aggression. No need to reply in kind when an enemy is
destroying itself."
is a most thoughtful piece. It's focus is on a thing called Civic
Religion. Well worth the read. Quote: "That said, it is doubtful
Lincoln or anyone alive at the time would have embraced the idea of
civic religion. The first guy to talk about America having a uniquely
religious quality was Alexis de Tocqueville, but he did not think
was a civic religion or anything close to it. He thought America’s
uniquely Christian nature is what allowed for a diverse people to form a
single nation. For a 19th century American, especially in the aftermath
of the Civil War, the idea of a unifying creed would have been
laughable. The earliest mention of America having a unique civic life,
held together by something resembling a religion, is by Chesterton. He
wrote that America was “the only nation founded on a creed” and was “a
nation with a soul of a church.” This observation was probably not
unique to Chesterton. Europeans have always viewed Americans as being
moralistic and impractical, with regards to the affairs of state. This
is something our rulers encourage. Just look at the war on terror. It’s
entirely framed in moral terms." And, "This cult of Lincoln promoted by
our betters has another defect and that is they are compelled to impose
it on the world. This seems to be another problem with all civic
religions. The French exported radicalism around Europe. The Soviets
exported Bolshevism around the world. The American empire is the story
of imposing the American creed on every nation of the world, always
against their will. Civic religions, like all religions, don’t seem to
play nice with other religions, seeing them as competitors." And, "The
best you can say about the supposed civic religion of America is that it
is what the ruling class uses to keep the plates spinning. There is
something to say for economic progress and domestic peace. It is not,
however, natural or normal, and therefore it must eventually yield to
reality. That’s what we are seeing today. Americanism is a luxury item
for an America that was 80% white and free of economic and political
inequality among the white population. That’s not today so the civic
religion is losing its salience."
Quote: "One of the great
unanswered question of our age is why Western rulers are obsessed with
importing tens of millions of unassimilable foreigners into their lands.
In the US, the conventional wisdom among immigration patriots is that
one side of the political class wants cheap votes, while the other side
wants cheap labor. In Europe, the theories range from female hysteria to
poorly conceived economics. The one common thread is that across the
West, the ruling elites appear to be trying to crash their cultures. The
trouble with these reductionist theories is they don’t make much sense
at the individual level, so they can’t very well scale up. For example,
the cheap labor argument does not hold up very well when you examine it.
Helot labor is great for the business owner, just as long as he is the
only guy doing it. When every landscaper is using Aztec workers, there’s
little benefit to the landscaping companies. That’s not to say there is
no benefit, but does it warrant the suicidal drive to import Mexico
into the US?" And, "The collapse of organized religion, particularly
among the Cloud People, is leaving them with no structured outlet for
this normal human impulse. The reason a Lyndsay Graham cares more about
Dreamers, than his fellow South Carolinians is he feels like he is
helping those who need help. It’s why John McCain spent the last three
decades chanting about “causes greater than yourself.” Without a
structure into which his narcissistic altruism could flow, he searched
around for causes and purposes, most of which were destructive."
not so ethical people that the Democrats hang out and collude with are
detailed in this piece. It does not bode well for any remaining
credibility they may have.