Friday, August 26, 2016

Things In General

This is an insightful piece.  It provide a good explanation of the divisive  gap between the political left and right.  Quote: "Conservatives care about logic. Liberals care about emotion. Conservatives care about whether a program works or not. Liberals care about how supporting a program makes them feel. Conservatives take the positions they do because they believe they’re best for society. Liberals take the positions they do because they make them feel and look compassionate or superior to hold those positions.
Once you understand those basics, it’s very easy to see why both sides hold the positions they do on most issues and to comprehend why there’s so little middle ground. Once you get the mentalities, you can predict where each side will come down on issues."  

Food for thought.  Quote: "Unbeknownst to the vast majority of Americans who go about their lives in a zombified state existing somewhere between clueless and misinformed, right now figurative lines in the sand are being drawn, and both sides are digging in for the fight of our lifetime. Will the United States remain a free republic with even an inkling of the rights our Founders envisioned for us, or will the country inevitably fall to socialism first, and eventually transform into a totalitarian state? Nothing would please the political class more than to have the latter prevail, but to accomplish that, first free speech must be stomped out. The weapon of choice being used today by liberty’s greatest enemy is “political correctness.” There is an enormous movement afoot both in Europe, and here at home domestically, for all the social media giants to stomp out what "they" are referring to as “hate speech.”  Define “Hate Speech”: That which does not conform with liberal ideology."  And, "Earlier this summer, with very little attention from American media (shock, right?), social media giants including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft, officially partnered with the European Commission in order to crack down on free speech by banning “alternative media” from their platforms. When the European Commission announced their partnership with the social media giants, it ordered each of them to begin completely eliminating “hate speech” and “counter-narratives” from the internet."

Insight worth reading.  Quote: "This totalitarian attack on academic freedom and free speech has now become routine in America’s socialist indoctrination academies, who have adopted the advice of the old Marxist Herbert Marcuse, who began arguing in the 1960s that only “the oppressed” in society deserve free speech.  Allowing “the oppressors” to speak freely only exacerbates the amount of “oppression” in society.  A devoted communist, Marcuse wanted to ban all criticisms of communism on college campuses, and he has succeeded to a very large extent.  There are islands of sanity in the sea of insanity that is the American academic world.  Economic departments tend to be not quite as crazy as some other disciplines, and if your son or daughter is a serious engineering or pre-med student, he or she will spend less time being brainwashed by leftists who dominate the social sciences and the humanities.  Even so, they will most likely be treated like skunks at a picnic if they voice “politically incorrect” opinions to their classmates."  

Wake up folks!!!  This is a good discussion and I think proper analysis of why so many difficulties are eating away at the very fabric of our country.  Quote: "As God is taken out or denied in our society, we’re no longer trying to fight our sinful nature. Instead we welcome it. Has America become freer and more independent as a result? We may fight religion. We may fight God. But we cannot fight the fact that America is becoming more obsessively government-controlled. And as we’re already seeing, governmental fiat is a very poor replacement for godly self-control."    Far too many will likely reject this analysis but when the facts are examined it is hard to refute.  Do not reject it out of hand.  Think about it. Intense in depth consideration will likely result in the credence it deserves.  Furthermore, real history, not the liberal/secular humanist/progressive revised version, is on its side.  Please folks, we must start fighting against the evil that is destroying us as a people and our nation.  A return to Godliness is our ticket to a brighter future. 

Parents and grandparents need to read this!!!  Quote: "An elementary school in Albuquerque, NM has a new policy to go along with the new school year. Just in case kids are gender confused, teachers are no longer allowed to address children as “boys and girls.”
After the Bathroom Hullabaloo of 2016, you would have thought that things might settle down and we could go about our business, peeing wherever we want to pee and that would be that.  But no.  No, now children as young as kindergarten age are being taught in classrooms in which teachers have been ordered to “eliminate gender.” According to a local report:  A letter was sent to teachers at Carlos Rey this month titled “Gender Identity Procedural Directive.” It tells teachers they can no longer refer to their students as boys and girls, and they are to eliminate gender in their classrooms.  Amazon is loaded with 16 pages of books for gender-confused children."  This is an example of how leftist attempt to unethically manipulate and using unscientific trash to confuse, no abuse, children."  This is a really, really bad thing they are doing.  It makes me see red.   

Another reminder that despite the left's incessant harping on how great socialism is, it is not so.  The piece should open the eyes of those who think that socialism works in Nordic countries.  It says not so and explains why.  Quote: "Sanandaji, president of the think tank European Centre for Entrepreneurship and Policy Reform, dismantles the case for social democracy in his brand-new book “Debunking Utopia: Exposing the Myth of Nordic Socialism.” He shared some of his research with his Cato Institute audience.  Before the Social Democrats came to power in Sweden, the country had the highest economic growth rate in the industrialized world. However, after the Social Democratic Party started dominating Swedish politics, the growth rate slowed to a mediocre level. Denmark saw a similar slowdown of growth after Social Democrats took over the country.  When the Great Depression struck the world in the 1930s, it hit the Nordic nations especially hard because they were dependent on trade, according to Sanandaji. However, the Nordic countries never had an American-style New Deal. Their governments did not try to fix every problem. Sanandaji presented a graph showing job creation in Sweden predictably went down during the Depression but bounced back quickly afterward. This was at a time when taxes were low, the welfare state was small and markets were freer."  And, "If Nordic success does not derive from social democracy, then where does it come from? Sanandaji said it comes from the unique qualities of Nordic culture.  “If you really understand Nordic society, they have a unique culture, social cohesion, working ethics, etc., that makes the economies be very well functionally,” the scholar explained. “High taxes, government involvement in the economy doesn’t work there. It works as little there as it works here.”

This will open your eyes and make you think real hard about the efficacy of condoning abortions.

Obama has pulled out of his bag of dirty tricks this scheme to get his outrageously dangerous Trans Pacific Partnership plan through the next lame duck Congress.  It must fail.  Make sure you let your elected representative to reject any effort to do this. Obama has done more than enough damage to our country.  We do not need him to screw us again on his way out of office..

This is a major consequence of Obama's illegal immigration program.  Children get lost.  The government runs the program so inefficiently that they have lost track of more 10,000 children in the system.  No telling what happened to them...I fear the worst for many.  I am so disgusted with Obama that I want to scream. Anyone with a heart would, too.  In my book he is a reprobate. His election to office was one of the nation's greatest tragedies.  I even think he should be tried for crimes against humanity.  Quote: "The federal government has been “rubber stamping” the asylum applications of tens of thousands of child migrants like Walter since 2014, says Lauren Martel, the attorney representing Bilbro in the case. Their asylum applications are rushed through the system without taking time to ensure the children’s safety."

Interesting isn't it that most of the misbehavior comes from leftist groups bent on wreaking havoc on those they do not like.  Yet the left likes to beat their chests and declare they are the tolerant ones.  Their record, for those willing to look, does not support that claim.    Here's more proof of their violent behaviors.  "Although leftists possess adult bodies, developmentally they are frozen in time somewhere between childhood and adolescence.  So when someone doesn’t agree with them, they get frustrated, angry, and rather agitated, with a tendency to behave like unruly children.  It isn’t pretty.  And sometimes it’s downright dangerous.  This propensity to yell, scream, shout down, pump fists, pound feet, lie, steal, and attack is on display just about every day in this presidential election cycle as Trump supporters are maligned (at best) and physically assaulted (at worst).  Here’s a by no means exhaustive list of some of this madness on display.  Worthy of note, Trump supporters who have been victims of violence are often framed by the media (and sometimes the police) as being suspect in some way, as if they brought the violence on themselves."   Want to see more?

This liberal Op-Ed writer calls-out his fellow liberals for their intolerance.  Quote: "After liberal New York Times op-ed writer Nicholas Kristof penned his Sunday column, “A Confession of Liberal Intolerance,” conservative readers reacted with delight over Kristof’s breath-of-fresh-air perspective.  Liberal readers? Not so much.  “We progressives believe in diversity, and we want women, blacks, Latinos, gays and Muslims at the table,” he begins his column, “er, so long as they aren’t conservatives.”   And, "Some liberals think that right-wingers self-select away from academic paths in part because they are money-grubbers who prefer more lucrative professions. But that doesn’t explain why there are conservative math professors but not many right-wing anthropologists.  It’s also liberal poppycock that there aren’t smart conservatives or evangelicals. Richard Posner is a more-or-less conservative who is the most cited legal scholar of all time. With her experience and intellect, Condoleezza Rice would enhance any political science department. Francis Collins is an evangelical Christian and famed geneticist who has led the Human Genome Project and the National Institutes of Health. And if you’re saying that conservatives may be tolerable, but evangelical Christians aren’t — well, are you really saying you would have discriminated against the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.?"

Walter Williams provides some common sense thoughts.   Quote: "To teach young people, particularly young men, Benjamin Franklin's admonition that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is a challenging task. But it is the job of adults to get such common-sense messages across, even at the cost of leftist condemnation."

This is the decrepit state our culture has been drifting towards for a very long time thanks to progressive intrusion into all things important.  Quote: "Teaching While White (TWW) is becoming an occupational hazard these days. So is being a white student, for that matter. At the "Unofficial Scripps College Survival Guide," students learn that "white peers and faculty -- portray Claremont Consortium as a haven for liberal ideology and acceptance. It's a rhetoric that has led many white students to believe that racism does not exist on campus." Thus, "as white students, [they] must identify the ways that [they] are engaging in the perpetuation of white supremacy and work to unlearn [their] racism."

She is a real piece of work. She has absolutely no ethical core and always blames others for her own failures.  Now she blames her use of her private emails system on former Secretary of State Powell.  He begs to differ. Quote: "Colin Powell was Secretary of State during George W. Bush’s presidency, from 2001 to 2005.  Hillary’s latest excuse was revealed from notes taken during the FBI’s alleged “interview” in July of the Democratic nominee regarding her use of a private email server on which she sent classified information as Secretary of State. These documents pertaining to the interview were handed over to Congress on Tuesday.  Colin Powell responded to Hillary’s accusations against him, in which she blamed her decision to use a private email server on him. In an interview with Page Six, Powell said, “The truth is she was using it (her personal email) for a year before I sent her a memo telling her what I did [during my term as Secretary of State].” He added, “Her people are trying to pin it on me.”   

A pastor's perspective of the two main candidates for president.  A good perspective, too.

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