is essential we carefully examine the positions both Hillary Clinton
and Gary Johnson have regarding religious freedom. According to their
spoken words both would be just as happy if the First Amendment were
eliminated. What then? Those who adhere to religious principles,
especially those which underpin the founding of this nation, would be
subjected to persecution by secular government functionaries responding
to unsavory claims from any anti-religious bigot anywhere in the
country. Ask yourself, is that what the founders intended? Consider
Hillary: "Hillary Clinton is not just a liar, a thief, an ambitious Wall
Street hag with murder in her eyes for anyone who stands in her way.
She is a statist, and a secular one. I don’t care how many church
services she’s attended, or how many preachers praise her, or how many
congregations lay hands on her. She has no regard for the transcendent,
or for the Constitution. And our founding charter has great respect for
the Divine, especially to “secure the blessings of liberty.” And
then there is Gary Johnson: "This guy fails the liberty test—from the
Second Amendment to abortion. But worst of all, on the First Amendment.
Instead of listening to the rising chorus (or Gospel Choir) of concerns,
Johnson doubled-down on his secular, statist “Bake that Cake”
mentality. This is what both Hillary and Johnson support regardless of
the well established consequences. "Christianity—and Christians—are
under attack in this country. Christian bakers, florist, photographers,
pizza parlors must compromise their convictions or face shame, fines,
even jail time! There’s another reason I am gladly on the Trump train.
Donald Trump recognizes the unprecedented assault on the First
Amendment, particularly freedom of religion." Their mantra is do what I
say or suffer the consequences.
And consider this. Hillary's anti-religious persona is quite evident.
No manner of political gamesmanship she plays will hide the clear
evidence of her unsavory policies, practices and beliefs, especially as
to individual freedoms, especially freedom of religion.
This item provides a
perspective on why Hillary is leading the charge for the presidency
despite her humongous load of baggage. Quote. "The most corrupt
candidate in the history of the presidency, Hillary Clinton, is cruising
toward victory. If the election were held today, she’d win in excess of
360 electoral votes." Why? "The answer lies in what economist George
Gilder might call the “information theory” of politics. Gilder says that
the economy runs on new information changing the equilibrium. In
essence, there is a steady drone of old information in the economy – and
that’s what creates an economic status quo. Both entrepreneurial
successes and devastating depressions add new information to the
economy, which is why you see movement in the markets." And, "But old
information doesn’t change anything. This is the problem with Hillary:
she doesn’t add any new information to the system. We already knew
Hillary was deeply corrupt from her time in the White House. From
Whitewater to Chinagate, from Travelgate to leading up the coverup for
Bill’s sexual harrassments, Hillary’s corruption has been top of mind
for well over two decades." So, what does that mean? "In other words,
she’s been so dirty for so long that it’s almost impossible to add new
information to the system. All she has to do is continue to be the same
old kind of dirty we already knew she was, and she’ll waltz her way to
the White House." What can be done to avoid her disaster? "Trump needs
to stabilize, of course. And then he needs to punch at Hillary, expose
information about her most people don’t know. That’s tougher than it
looks. We now live in an era where politicians benefit from surviving
years of corruption – it makes them seem stable by comparison with
newbies who make lots of mistakes and commit lots of sins. That’s
Hillary’s major advantage, even more than the media that licks her
boots. And that’s the advantage Trump will have to overcome."
This is a good move by
Trump and will upset Hillary for sure. Trump is absolutely right in
what he says. Anyone who finds fault with his move is a either all in
for Hillary ideologue or absent understanding of the nature of the
problem needing a fix and soon. Quote: "Law and order must be restored.
It must be restored for the sake of all, but most especially the sake
of those living in the affected communities,” he added. “The main
victims of these riots are law-abiding African-American citizens living
in these neighborhoods. It is their jobs, their homes, their schools and
communities which will suffer as a result. There is no compassion in
tolerating lawless conduct. Crime and violence is an attack on the poor,
and will never be accepted in a Trump administration.”
If you still think Hillary
is a good candidate for president you might want to read this piece. It
further reveals the massive unethical and hypocritical side. Quote:
"In a bit of news that went relatively unnoticed amongst the bevy of
small tire fires set by Donald Trump and stoked by the media, Hillary
Clinton announced a radical and nasty change to tax policy: she wants to
raise the estate tax.The estate tax is disgusting. It’s the government
ghoulishly waiting for you to die, then IRS agents crashing into your
house and rifling your safe. You’ve already paid taxes on that money, of
course – the government has already taken its chunk. Now it wants a
second slice of the pie, in order to deprive your mourning children of
their inheritance. So naturally, Hillary wants to jack up that
government theft. Right now, estates worth over $5.45 million are exempt
from estate tax, but after that, they’re taxed at 40 percent. Hillary
wants that tax increased to 45 percent, and drop the exemption to $3.5
million. Trump wants to get rid of the estate tax totally. Trump is
right; Hillary’s not just wrong, she’s morally wrong. And Hillary knows
it, which is why she stuffs her $1.8 million Chappaqua, New York home
into residence trusts to avoid the estate tax." See what I mean???
George Burns
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