Friday, October 31, 2014

Random Items

Government plans to launch an intrusive nationwide healthcare monitoring system.  Medical privacy is out the window.  Read the details at this link.  Quote:  "Under HIPAA, your doctor cannot share your health information with anyone without your permission except public health officials. When it comes to the government, HIPAA permits disclosure of your personal health information without notifying you of what’s happening."

These are just another unfounded attack on Christians.

This black man tells the truth about how the left has treated blacks over the years.

This is what unsavory politicians do.  They say one thing (in this case vote for it) and then turn-around and do something different.   another example:   These are examples of how the left wins elections.  Dirty politics resides in both parties...but, the left is far ahead of the right from all I can find.

Let this item be a warning to be very careful when giving to charitable organizations.  Thanks to Sigi for sharing.  

George Burns

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