Sunday, October 12, 2014

New Scandals Emerge As Old Ones Continue To Fester

This item gives you a flavor for just how serious the charges are regarding a number of scandals plaguing this administration.  Be aware if not already that this item covers just the tip of the iceberg.  Active efforts to avoid disclosure have been undertaken to obscure the truth, eliminate evidence and blatant violations of the law have likely occurred.  This is no small thing.  It is epic in proportion and should result in numerous heads rolling and prosecutions of violators of the law as well as those who likely ordered subordinates to commit unethical actions or crimes.  I personally think responsibility reaches the highest levels.    While this administration has raised the scandal bar beyond belief it is by no means alone in the scandalous behavior past and present that seems to be a part of the corrupt Washington DC culture.  Hound your elected representatives.  Violators should not go unpunished.

It would be interesting to know how Senator Harry Reid became a multi-millionaire on his government salary, wouldn't it?  He was not a wealthy man when he arrived in Washington.  It would likely make for scandalous reading.  While he is a poster boy for the practice he is just one of many Democrat and Republican politicians to feather their nests on the backs of American citizens.

This is an example of a scandalous progressive use of Marxist Saul Alinski's Rules For Radicals rule #5 (destroy the reputation of your opponent).  This is happening to a good, decent and respectable opponent the left does not like.  They want their progressive hard left guy to win - ethics not important - winning is.  

Conclusion:  Washington is a cesspool and must be scrubbed clean of the current crop of politicians (both major parties).  I am convinced that many of them are unethical and violators of the law.  Yet, somehow, because of their elitist status they are rarely punished.

George Burns

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