Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Have your heard the latest regarding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?  Read this and note the theme of hypocrisy that runs through it.   http://eaglerising.com/10016/new-york-times-blockbuster-report-bush-didnt-lie-wmds-found-iraq/ 

A scratch your head item.  Demands huge sums of money of colleges and universities just for a speech.  During the speech laments the cost of going to college.  Go figure.  http://spectator.org/blog/60657/hillary-clinton-slams-student-debt-225k-speech-unlv

This former favorite of the left's fall from grace is due in part to his hypocritical racist words and deeds.  This is a sad example of how he and others have sought to claim that the first death from Ebola was the result of racism.  http://spectator.org/articles/60634/conflation-viruses

Not hypocrisy per se but a questionable thing for a lawyer and candidate for governor to say.  He must have missed the classes on the Constitution.  He believes the government dispenses rights.   http://www.redstate.com/2014/10/21/jason-carter-jimmys-grandson-thinks-our-rights-come-from-the-government/

George Burns

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