Thursday, October 30, 2014

Racism In America - Are Some Waking Up?

These people do not like what the President represents.  Notice how many of them are black.

Some blacks are waking up to the cold hard facts that liberalism has hurt rather than helped them.

See what this black activist has to say.  He is right on.  Liberal policies are anti-black.

Here is another black who is fed up with liberal's empty promises.

This campaign being led by blacks is a call for backs to abandon failed Democratic party policies. Quote: ""Are you better off than you were four years ago," is the question the Restore the Dream 2014 campaign is asking African-Americans.  Last week at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington D.C.,'s Niger Innis, along side civil rights activist Dr. Alveda King, kicked off the campaign. Later, he and others traveled to New York City, Raleigh, North Carolina, and they concluded the tour in Ferguson, Missouri. The Restore the Dream campaign wants to energize the African-American community to "embrace liberty, individual freedom, free markets and school-choice education," something they believe the Obama administration has hindered. “Hope and change liberals have failed the black community," said Innis."

Unfortunately this is the emerging nature of racism in today's America.

George Burns

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