This is the height of propagandistic reporting.  The media supports Hamas, a known terroristic organization and whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel.  Regarding the ongoing conflict what the media does not tell you is that Hamas has launched well over 3000 rockets into Israel in the last two months.  Israel responded to this onslaught.  They also do not tell you about the tunnels dug under the border used to launch terrorist attacks inside Israel.  Nor do they tell you that hundreds of children died digging those tunnels.  They do not tell you that Hamas purposefully locates its rocket launch points in hospitals, residential areas, and schools fully aware that Israel will return fire to those launch points.  Nor do they tell you that Israel drops leaflets and broadcasts warnings to the innocent Palestinians asking them to leave in advance of return fire.  Nor do they tell you that Hamas terrorists refuse to let civilians leave for safe harbor.  Nor do they tell you that this is a purposeful Hamas tactic to solicit the sympathy they know the tragic images will elicit and evoke negative feelings towards Israel.  Nor do they tell you that Palestinian schools teach hate against the Jews from kindergarten on calling Jews pigs and teaching children that it is their duty to kill Jews.  They have violated every cease fire agreed to - the last one was suppose to last 72 hours but Hamas violated it within 90 minutes.  These items represent what the progressive/anti-Israel, Hamas supporting progressive media calls reporting.  They do not tell you that using innocent victims as human shields is a war crime prohibited by the Geneva Conventions.  In short the corrupt mainstream media is in fact functioning as an organ of the Hamas terrorist organization.  They are guilty of being co-conspirators in the commission of crimes against humanity by virtue of their despicable/dishonest/biased coverage.  They support Hamas' indiscriminate and unprovoked launching of rockets against innocent Israelis and Hamas' intent to erase Jews and Israel from the face of the earth.   And here is a discussion of the mainstream media's functioning as a Hamas co-conspirator.   And here:     Having said all above, both sides must to work towards a solution.  But, it must be said that Hamas is far, far, far more guilty than Israel in failing to reach that goal.  Think about it, how can a legitimate resolution to the conflict be achieved if one side is publically committed to the total destruction of the other?

Want to see the Hamas tunnels?  Here is a slide show.   One has to wonder why Hamas does not use the money it took to build those tunnels doing something productive to improve the lives of Palestinians.  The short answer is that Hamas cares not for the Palestinian people.  It cares only about destroying Israel.  Western media and politicians are helping them achieve that goal.

Withholding legitimate news from the public is not reporting but it is a highly unethical practice.

Are they working for the president and his disastrous policies or for the public's interests?

Hypocrisy and propaganda (by not informing the public).

The mainstream media simply cannot bring themselves to report news detrimental to the Obama administration.  To do so would force them to admit that their "all in" support for him in two election cycles was all wrong.  Too bad they cannot handle the truth of what their disastrous propagandizing has wrought.

This is not directly the media although reported by the media.  As the author of the piece says "The woman is blight on our nation’s political landscape, and she exemplifies everything that is wrong with our political system."

George Burns