Sunday, July 6, 2014

Truth Buried — Again

You'd think that a government audit showing how ObamaCare couldn't tell whether millions of enrollees were eligible for the subsidies they're getting would be front-page news. Instead, the press hid it from view.
If you wanted to read in the New York Times about these findings — which detailed rampant problems verifying eligibility and income information from millions of ObamaCare applicants — you had to dig 17 pages into the news section.
In the Washington Post, the story was on page 11, after stop-the-press-stories like a change in House travel reporting rules and a puff piece on the new VA administrator. If you relied on the network news, you'd be completely in the dark.
For anyone who's covering ObamaCare fairly, you couldn't miss the significance of the findings made in two separate HHS inspector general reports.
Basically, the reports revealed widespread and systemic failure to prevent costly mistakes, like enrolling people who aren't citizens, or paying too much in subsidies.

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