Monday, July 14, 2014

Driver's licenses for the undocumented: Problems still remain

When California legislators passed a law last year allowing undocumented immigrants to obtain driver's licenses, they seemed to think implementing the law would be straight-ahead simple.
But with less than six months to go before the Department of Motor Vehicles is supposed to start handing out the licenses, the road ahead is still serpentine and foggy -- especially for the millions of Latinos who make up the state's largest undocumented population.
The DMV already crashed into the U.S. Department of Homeland Security when the agency rejected the proposed design for the new license. And many advocates for immigrants are still arguing that the required documents for getting a license are too difficult or costly to obtain. Immigrant communities, meanwhile, are rushing to educate applicants on how to negotiate the maze of DMV lines, paperwork, fees and tests.

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