The below items depict an Administration fraught with illegality and a total absence of ethics.  The president and his system of governance is not just dirty it is filthy.

Quote:  "The legacy of the Obama administration will be that it managed to corrupt virtually every institution within the US government and it did so in a remarkably short period of time. If there is a silver lining to this cloud of stench it is that he serves as an object lesson in how fragile are the systems that comprise our federal government. The greatest damage he has done it turn the supposedly apolitical process of governance into a system to arrogate power and to punish anyone who disagrees. When the malefactors are caught, they shamelessly obstruct justice because they know the Attorney General of the United States is a thoroughly compromised man who is reduced to shouting racism when criticized."

About the lawsuit the House of Representatives plans to undertake.

This is a recounting of many of the irresponsible and/or unethical actions taken by Obama and his administration.  Their claim?  They have done a great job both domestically and internationally.  No kidding they even stoop to the lowest of low to make such proclamations in public.

This liberal constitutional law expert demands Congress rein in Obama's unconstitional actions.  Quote:  “What we are witnessing today is one of the greatest challenges to our constitutional system in the history of this country,” Mr. Turley said in a prepared testimony, saying it began with previous presidents but under Mr. Obama has “reached a constitutional tipping point that threatens a fundamental change in how our country is governed.”

What do you expect when he has friends and associates like those covered in this item?

After all of the items covered here and elsewhere does anyone still support the policies of this president.  Many items less noticed are just as bad as those that make it on air or in print.  Some slip through the cracks.  To illustrate his proclivity to be deceptive (ie: doing things quietly so we do not notice) note this item which is now linked to his purposeful illegal immigration debacle. 

George Burns