There should now be no doubt that our current administration is corrupt to the core.  It is time for the people to stand up and DEMAND that congress act to STOP the administration in its tracks.  The first thing CONGRESS MUST DO is withhold any further funding for the administration in matters now involved in scandal.  Most importantly funding for the illegal immigration efforts must be withheld until the border is certified by "independent agents" to be secure.  Congress should immediately withhold funding for foreign aid to countries obviously opposed to our interests.  Congress should immediately withhold funding and military aid destined for terrorists involved in insurgencies in the Middle East.  Funding for the NSA should be severely constrained until their culpability in inadequate national security intelligent gathering and reporting is established and involved personnel fired.  Impeachment proceedings should immediately began against the president and vice-president and appropriate dismissal proceedings against the Adjutant General, Director of the NSA, Secretary of Homeland Security and the Director of the Bureau of Land Management, in that order. 

The administration was warned about the ISIS uprising in Iraq.  But ignored the intelligence and now look at what is happening.

This follows on to the above item.  Obama and his incompetent team have made a complete mess in the Middle East.  More about his foreign affairs incompetence. 

This is not about incompetence - but about hypocrisy and gross miscarriage of justice.  You know that government officials lambasted the Redskins for their name and even took away their naming copyrights because they decided the team name demeans native Americans.  Well, it is a well known fact that throughout our history the federal government has done far worse.  They are still at it, too.  Check out their latest action.  Quote:  "According to a report by Global Research, the agency intends to transfer ownership of a significant area of Oglala and Lakota Sioux property into a Tribal National Park under the operation of the National Parks Service. Despite the name, however, those Native Americans being affected will have no control of or claim to the land being taken."  http://www.westernjournalism.c m/federal-governments-latest-land-seizure-hits-residents-state

Incompetence is not the only attribute the president has.  Lying is another big one.  This item combines his lying with purposefully covering up the truth to protect him from the public condemnation he so richly deserves.  Thirty brave service members died because "The high-tech weapon used to shoot down Extortion 17, a heat-seeking missile, more than likely was supplied by none other than Barack Hussein Obama."  Click on the picture for the video.

George Burns