Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The ISIS Crisis

This is the kind of do-do our country gets into when we try to coerce other governments/nations with which we disagree to do what we say.  Going in and trying to establish a democracy in Muslim countries in the middle east is especially foolish.  We should never have done that.  Now the news is filled with the mess left in the wake of our intervention and subsequent withdrawal Iraq.  The situation is much worse than before we invaded.  Not to mention the costs in blood and treasure.  The evidence suggests we will see a similar result in Afghanistan.  For certain the complete ineptitude of Obama, Hillary and now Kerrey have made a bad situation perpetrated by Bush much worse.  Check out this depressing account.  http://www.humanevents.com/2014/06/30/isis-declares-the-caliphate-has-been-established/   Only time will tell us how bad the situation will be for innocents in Iraq and other affected countries and the rest of the world.  

George Burns

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