Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dangers Lurking for the Romney Campaign

Presidential elections are won on the basis of personal appeal and the ability to provide compelling leadership on the biggest issues of the day.  In the opening stages of the general election race, Mitt Romney's campaign seems prematurely willing to admit defeat on the first count, while telling Americans that there's really only one big issue of the day — the economy.  Neither of these is the right tack to take.
What's more, there's no reason for the Romney camp to take either of these positions. On the first, Romney just finished winning a bruising GOP primary battle largely on the basis of voters having judged him to be, in his own way, the most personally appealing candidate. GOP primary voters, for the most part, didn't back Romney because they found his policy prescriptions, or past policy innovations, to be clearly superior to those of other candidates. Rather, they backed him, at least principally, because they viewed him to be the most presidential, the most electable — in short, the most personally appealing — choice. 
As for Obama, every time Romney's advisors talk about how popular they think the president is, they sound like they're trapped in 2008.  A lot of water has gone under the bridge since then.  And while Obama does have a modicum of charm, he's hardly Ronald Reagan or even Bill Clinton when it comes to personal appeal.  He's a scold, he’s often dour, and he's not particularly dignified.  (Clinton wasn’t dignified either, but Reagan certainly was.)  He blames others at every turn.  He doesn't have much of a sense of humor — or of humility.  Off the cuff, he's certainly not eloquent and isn’t even very articulate.  And rather than appearing warm and good-natured, he more often comes off as cold and distant.  

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