Monday, April 15, 2024

The Fundamental Unraveling of America

The question in 2024 is whether enough people want to make the effort to re-ravel America to the normal, constitutional nation she once was.

The Democrats anointed Hillary Clinton to follow Obama to continue the unraveling of America's constitutional republic, replacing it with their own interpretation of a "Democracy." But, somehow, out of nowhere, a wrecking ball named Donald J. Trump collided with the original fundamental-transformation plan.

Once the 2020 election was successfully rigged and stolen and a hand-puppet-Biden government was installed, Obama and his global handlers continued stirring and reheating the pot to the required boiling point.

The latter was pushback against Obama's early years in office, with a large portion of the country seeing what "Fundamental transformation" really means-pitting poor against rich, black against white, women against men, children against parents-and saying these are not the ideals upon which our country was founded nor for which it fought.

Why not? They do not want people to hear that those opposing their leftist views want to "Make America great again." If you love this country, why would you not want to see it great, now and in the future? And the opposite is also true.

If you do not love this country, wouldn't you naturally want to change it in a whole other direction, thus the need to manufacture a transformation? When you marry someone, it's only the most devious who, after saying, "I do," then say, "Now that I have you, I want you to transform, to be a totally different person. I don't love you, per se, I love the person I can now turn you into." If you don't love this country, and you don't want to leave it, you would stay and fundamentally transform it.

To do so, you would have to unravel the very foundations upon which the country was built.

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