Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Out-Of-Touch Democratic Elites

For some of the young college students arrested after trespassing at Columbia University last week, it was not their first brush with the law.

One young woman from a $2.2 million home in suburban Atlanta had previously killed two senior citizens in Vermont when her pickup truck crossed over a double yellow line, crashing into the elderly couple's smaller vehicle.

According to new polling from Harvard University, they aren't even the priorities of most young people, most of whom are Democrats.

If someone goes online or to a college campus such as Columbia, one would think the most pressing issues for voters were the war in Gaza, climate change, and student debt.

According to the latest Harvard poll, out of 16 issues presented to respondents between the ages of 18 and 29, these three rank 12th, 15th, and 16th. Just as in the rest of the nation, "Inflation" was the No. 1 issue on most young minds, followed by "Healthcare" and "Housing."

It has become the most important issue for older voters but ranks 11th out of 16 among the young.

Neither young nor old voters place a high priority on the issues that activists raise hell about and insist are important to the base of the Democratic Party.

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