Monday, April 15, 2024

Massive Rallies Break Out in Japan Against WHO’s Pandemic Treaty. – ‘Don’t Underestimate the Japanese’

The protests centered on the widespread opposition to the Pandemic Treaty, with escalating concerns over "Infectious disease" and "Public health" becoming potent tools for an unprecedented push towards what is perceived by many as a totalitarian surveillance society.

The protest not just opposed potential mandatory vaccinations but also the perceived overreach of health authorities and their ties with global pharma, echoing a distressing sentiment of disenfranchisement among the populace.

Eminent speakers, including Professor Masayasu Inoue and modern history researcher Chikatsu Hayashi, provided compelling pre-demonstration speeches that laid bare the concerning dynamics between global health authorities and pharmaceutical agendas.

Professor Inoue highlighted the concerning trend of our health being weaponized in what he termed as "a third world war fought with information." He urged the public to resist introducing genetic vaccines into their bodies, implicating a significant portion of WHO's funding comes from pharmaceutical giants and private interests like the Bill Gates Foundation.

April 13 marked not just a protest against a treaty but a stand against a future where health becomes a lever for control and surveillance.

It's a call from its people for autonomy, transparency, and the reassessment of global health governance that resonates beyond its borders.

Today, Japan stands at the forefront, questioning, challenging, and seeking change for a future where health policy respects national sovereignty and individual rights.

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