Monday, April 15, 2024

Congress Blows It on FISA

Evidence proves that the FBI cannot be trusted with its powers without rewriting the law.

Everyone who has been paying the least attention knows the recent history of FISA and how the FBI abused its powers under FISA to accuse former president Trump and his 2016 campaign of collusion with Russia.

The editorial concluded that FISA's Section 702 should be repealed because the FBI, including its leadership, is untrustworthy with the powers FISA gives.

On Thursday afternoon last week, FBI Director Christopher Wray testified to the House Appropriations Committee urging that they pass a budget increase for the FBI and the reauthorization of FISA. Cong.

Mike Turner, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence - whose FISA "Reform" bill didn't reform anything important - saying it would slow the FBI's searches down too greatly.

There are too many FBI abuses of FISA to catalogue here.

A few - the false affidavits filed with the FISA Court to get the Carter Page warrants, the FBI Agent Kevin Kleinsmith falsifying and rewriting an email in support of those warrants and much more - indicate that Garcia was right in saying he doesn't trust Christopher Wray.

In short, Johnson's bill leaves too much discretion to the FBI and doesn't include the most critical reform: to get FISA out of politics.

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