Monday, April 15, 2024

A Brave Marine Lt. Colonel Stepped Forward and Revealed that 15 US Agencies Knew COVID-19 Was Created in Lab in 2018 – But They Kept It Secret from American Public

Dr. Tony Fauci, who funded the Wuhan laboratory for some reason, repeatedly lied to the American public about the origins of the virus.

On January 31, 2020, Danish-born and British-educated scientist Kristian Andersen, emailed Dr. Tony Fauci saying the virus looks lab-made.

Kristian Anderson, "Some of the features look engineered" and the "Genome looks inconsistent with evolutionary theory." Then on February 4, 2020, after a call with Dr. Tony Fauci, British scientist Kristian Anderson wrote that the lab leak theory was a conspiracy theory.

Kristian Anderson, "The main crackpot theories going around at the moment related to this virus being somehow engineered and that is demonstrably false." So what happened between January 31, 2020 and February 4, 2020? Dr. Tony Fauci called Dr. Kristian Anderson and ordered him to publicly say the COVID virus was NOT lab-made.

In the email to Dr. Fauci in January 2020, Dr. Andersen hadn't yet come to that conclusion.

The New York Times conveniently omitted that after his call with Dr. Fauci on February 1, 2020, Dr. Anderson was given a $1.88 million grant and $16.5 million in funding from NIAID, Dr. Fauci's personal piggy bank.

Dr. Andrew Huff reported that Dr. Anderson's funding at the Scripps Research Institute increased from $393,079 per month, to $800,139 per month after he backed down on the COVID lab-leak theory.

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