Friday, March 1, 2024

Why the Democrats Can't Replace Biden

After the release of Special Counsel Kennth Hur's report on Joe Biden's mishandling classified documents and then the President's performance several hours later in his hastily convened press conference, a number of Democrats fleetingly expressed misgivings about the head of their party's reelection prospects next November.

If, as Democrats tirelessly pronounce, Donald Trump indeed posed such a grave threat to democracy, not to mention the American Way of Life, you would think their party's leaders would have substituted a less-doddering presidential candidate with higher approval polls long before now.

The success of Democrat candidates up and down November's ballot depend on a strong showing from Biden in the general election.

Were Democrat sachems somehow able to find a way to bully Harris into stepping aside graciously for another nationally prominent Democrat, such as California governor Gavin Newsom, bypassing the vice president would result in an even greater electoral disaster by infuriating two of the Democrat's key constituencies: women and African Americans.

Privately, Democrats may be pining badly for Michelle Obama to leap-frog ahead of the vice president without splintering the party faithful.

Following a reassessment of their November prospects therefore, the Democrat party has fallen in lockstep, however wistfully, behind the candidate it's got.

You can't really blame the Democrats for desperately trying to hide, minimize, and outright reject the perturbing and increasingly embarrassing progression of physical and cognitive deficits in their party's candidate for president. 

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