Sunday, September 24, 2023

Biden Impeachment Inquiry: Scoundrels, Sleaze, And Corruption

 House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer-who will lead the impeachment inquiry along with Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and Ways & Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith-has been banging away since January with an investigation of the Biden family's foreign business practices and international influence peddling schemes, most notably the activities of Hunter Biden.

Opening an impeachment inquiry supercharges congressional powers and opens the way to a deeper probe into Biden finances.

Around the time of Hunter Biden's sports car windfall, someone had arranged for Rakishev and Massimov to be to be photographed at Washington's Café Milano with Hunter Biden and a very special guest: then-Vice President Joe Biden.

According to a Comer Committee interview of Biden business partner Devon Archer, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden joined the Kazakhs for dinner in April 2014 and again in April 2015.

The total amount paid to "The Biden family and their associates" by China, notes the Comer Committee, is "Over $8 million." Payments by CEFC were sent to the Robinson Walker shell-the same LLC used for the Romanian payouts-and distributed to various Biden family members and associates.

"Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Jim Biden, Gongwen Dong." Hunter Biden added: "I would like the office sign to reflect the following: Biden Foundation, Hudson West.".

Doubtless there will be more to come about Hunter Biden as the impeachment inquiry digs deeper into bank records and the money trail.

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