Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Best Kind Of "Ism" Is Americanism

Americanism could be defined as a belief in devotion, loyalty, or allegiance to the United States of America, as well as respect for its flag, its traditions, its customs, its culture, its symbols, its institutions and its form of government.

At the heart of Americanism is loyalty to the United States, its culture and its political structure.

"True Americanism is an ideology that is continually nurtured within one's soul through individual daily actions, thoughts and beliefs in what their responsibilities are to be, blessed to live in one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all."

If we do not guard our great nation from these globalist zealots, it is just a matter of time before the United Nations and the World Economic Forum will hold the reins of power throughout the western world; maybe the entire world.

The World Economic Forum "Trade union" has partnered with the United Nations to advance a strategic alliance vision involving seizing the means of production across the world.

We must work to maintain the integrity of our borders, our nation, our culture and our rule of law.

Our nation is that one among all the nations of the earth which holds in its hands the fate of the coming years.

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