Friday, September 29, 2023

Top 6 government-run and taxpayer-funded INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES robbing Americans of their health and wealth

Top 6 government-run and taxpayer-funded INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES robbing Americans of their health and wealth.

There's a saying that goes, "It's the big lies that are more likely to be believed." This is unfortunately quite true when it comes to Americans supporting their own demise by voting for crooks to run the country.

The mass media is the right arm of it all, convincing about 270 million Americans that most food and medicine is normal and "Clean," when in fact it's just the opposite.

It's highly likely, from all the evidence, data, and autopsies of the vaccinated dead, that the real pandemic WAS in fact planned, to kill Trump's economy, to steal the votes, to control the populace, and to eliminate tens of millions of Americans through deadly mRNA, vascular-clogging, population-reducing technology.

That's a mix of the Military Industrial Complex, the Medical Industrial Complex, and the Election Industrial Complex.

It's the most evil of all tri-fectas, that most Americans simply can't wrap their heads around, and Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci should go to prison for life for it, for starters.

News to your favorites list and tuning in daily for updates on real news about surviving and thriving in the face of government-run and tax-payer-funded industrial complexes. 

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