Thursday, July 21, 2022

Who Will They Get to Do the Tyrants' Dirty Work?

The shameful video of Uvalde cops cowering in the hallway while some freakish mutant murdered little kids brings to mind an important point.

  • The fact that the members of our garbage ruling elite cannot rely on the forces of the government to protect them is the result of the systematic weaponization of law enforcement against normal people under the Biden dorktatorship.

The left has moved from leveraging private power (via their corporate allies) to control us to using armed thugs to do it

  • Right now, they do it behind the veneer of the justice system, but as we have seen, that play has a SELL BY date.
  • Unless we retake power in the next couple of elections and defund, disestablish, and demolish the rotten aspects of the law enforcement system, eventually out will come the stormtroopers.

Who would do their dirty work, and when it comes to it, would they be any more proactive in facing millions of armed patriots than the Uvalde cowards were facing one mutant in a schoolhouse?

  • A few of the potential thugs are active leftists who support the ruling caste
  • Most of the true believers are senior cops or generals and admirals, ones who were appointed to their jobs by the left because of political reliability
  • The rest? Aren't there some potential enforcers who won't play along
  • Where are all the "good apples?"
  • They either don't join in the first place - military and cop recruiting is hitting rock bottom - or they quietly move on to a police agency that is not fully woke
    1. The rest? Aren't there some potential enforcers who won't play along? Yes, but they sadly refuse to just quit in protest – where are all the good apples They either don't join in the first place – military and cop recruiting is hitting rock bottom – or they quietly move on to a police agency that is not fully woke or to another career field entirely.
    2. As my book We'll Be Back: The Fall and Rise of America points out, you can also look back at those Boston terrorists with no training, a couple of pistols, and some pressure cooker bombs, and they completely shut down an entire city (there, the police were at least aggressive).
    3. As my just released non-fiction book We'll Be Back: The Fall and Rise of America points out, a crucial nutrient for the growth of social/political conflict is the corruption of the justice system.
    4. The FBI has become the personal Stasi of the Democrats, seizing elderly men with SWAT teams, while the DOJ has been selectively prosecuting conservatives, or those believed to be conservative-aligned, but giving a pass to those terrorists, rioters, and scumbags aligned with the trash donkey political party. 

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