Monday, July 25, 2022

What's Going On? Ireland Joins Canada and Netherlands and Targets Farmers with Carbon Emissions Cuts

Irish leaders joined The Netherlands and Canada in cracking down on farmers with grueling carbon emissions cuts.

Farmers in The Netherlands have been protesting for weeks after the government instituted a new plan to bankrupt them and disrupt food supplies in Europe.

Farmers' protests in the Netherlands have reached the royal palace at Dam Square in Amsterdam.

Around 40,000 Dutch farmer paralyzed traffic in the Netherlands and blocked around 20 food distribution centers over the weekend with trucks and tractors.

Ireland's green agenda-loving government is set to impose an emissions cut of around 28 per cent on farmers, a report has claimed.

Farmers in Ireland may soon be forced to make potentially damaging changes to their businesses as climate alarmist ministers within Ireland's government look set to cut the sector's emissions by around 28 per cent.

Officials within the Irish government have been haggling over how badly to hammer the country's farms with green legislation for some time, despite the visceral reactions of farmers in fellow EU member-state the Netherlands to the curbing of nitrogen emissions, due to the damage the EU-inspired restrictions will cause to their businesses. 

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