Sunday, July 24, 2022

VIRUS MANIA PART III: Perpetual “state of emergency” the new normal for America, as long as the CDC writes the script

The CDC and corporate media have pushed out the latest, "most dangerous" propaganda about the Ninja variant of COVID-19, also known as BA. 5, in order to push more bioweapon vaccines that actually cause the mass hospitalizations of the immune-deficient masses.

Fear of germs sells vaccines, but it's the germs that keep you healthy

  • Germ theory dates back to 300 years, when doctors figured out how to "kill" germs with heat and sterilization techniques.
  • It became the catapult for the entire platform of chemical medicine (chronic sick care) and routine toxic vaccinations (population reduction schemes).
  • Now the majority of Americans are scared to death of all germs, so much so that they lather their bodies with germ-killing "sanitizers" and get spike protein injections that send their immune systems into an endless downward spiral

Faulty "positive" test results for COVID guarantee the highest fear factor possible for the relentless pursuit of population reduction via mass vaccination

  • The authors of the whistle-blowing book Virus Mania reveal how alleged "contagious viruses" are really just particles produced by cells as a RESULT of stress, drugs, and vaccines
  • These particles are identified by PCR tests and antibody tests as "epidemic-causing viruses"
  • That means the deadly microbes allopathic brainwashed zombies fear are literally being produced by their own body because they took the advice of their doctors, the FDA, and the CDC, and took the "medications" and "injections" they were prescribed and recommended

PCR and antibody tests are designed to scare the masses into getting perpetual booster shots that result in new false-positive tests

  • This is key to perpetuating the mass vaccination campaign that's being waged as biological warfare under the guise of medicine
  • The germ fear factor must be ramped up with heavy propaganda to sell and administer billions of dollars worth of "boosters" of toxic spike protein injections annually
  • COVID-19 masks are also tools of the fear-and-jabbing campaign
  • They brew and breed bacteria in the mouth, throat, windpipe, and lungs which result in false positives on COVID tests 

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