Sunday, July 24, 2022

Tulsi Gabbard: Bannon's Contempt of Congress Conviction Proves Biden Turned Law Enforcement Into 'Political Hit Squad'

Tulsi Gabbard: “Whatever you think of Bannon, the fact he was charged with contempt of Congress, but Clapper, Brennan & others who lied to Congress have never been charged shows how the Biden admin/elite have shamelessly weaponized law enforcement into a political hit squad.”

  • Former Rep. Tulsi gabbard (D-Hawaii) called out the double standard in the U.S. government under Joe Biden, noting that Steve Bannon was convicted of contempt of congress while Democrat bureaucrats like James Clapper, John Brennan, and Clapper are still free.

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    1. “Whatever you think of Bannon, the fact he was charged with contempt of Congress, but Clapper, Brennan & others who lied to Congress have never been charged, shows how the Biden admin / elite have shamelessly weaponized law enforcement into a political hit squad,” Gabbard tweeted Saturday.
    2. Whatever you think of Bannon, the fact he was charged with contempt of Congress, but Clapper, Brennan & others who lied to Congress have never been charged, shows how the Biden admin / elite have shamelessly weaponized law enforcement into a political hit squad. 

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