Thursday, July 21, 2022

These Colorado Dems Voted To Reduce the State's Felony Murder Penalty Amid Homicide Spike

A pair of Democrats running for Congress in Colorado voted to weaken the state's penalty for felony murder as Denver experienced a near-record spike in homicides

  • In the spring of 2021, state legislators Brittany Pettersen and Yadira Caraveo backed a bill that made felony murder in Colorado a Class 2 felony instead of a Class 1.
  • As a result, criminals convicted of felony murder can no longer be sentenced to life without parole.

Crime Enthusiasts

  • Arvada, Colo., deputy chief of police Ed Brady said criminals have been emboldened by Democrats in the state legislature.
  • Before Democratic governor Jared Polis signed the Pettersen and Caraveo-backed bill in April 2021, a criminal who participated in a violent crime that resulted in the death of a person-say, a burglary gone bad-could be charged with Class 1 felony murder and sentenced to life in prison even if that criminal did not directly kill the victim. Now, a Criminal who fits that description cannot face life behind bars.

Denver is number one in the country for auto theft, robberies

  • This is because progressives are soft on crime
  • We've got to fix the government at every level
  • hold people accountable, uphold the rule of law, enforce the law, and support law enforcement 

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