Friday, July 22, 2022

The US President Finally Gets Covid

The political hierarchy of infectious disease has finally come full circle

  • By design, the working classes faced the pathogen first while the professional classes had the technological wherewithal and income stream to enable them to hide in their houses
  • Despite trillions of spending, massive economic destruction, two years of lost education, the demolition of arts, the censorship of media, and the demonization of non-compliers, in the end, even the world's most powerful man would get hit with Covid
  • The caste system failed. The stay-home-stay-safe crowd failed in their mission to foist the virus on everyone but themselves
  • Even the president got it, and with the one little news release that he finally caught Covid, despite every precaution and being quadruple-jabbed, the hope that some could impose the bug on others completely collapsed
  • This is not a "pandemic of the unvaccinated," as the egregious slogan of last year would have it. It so happened, however, that this particular pathogen made up in prevalence what it lacked in severity
    1. Whatever happened to the track-and-trace efforts of the CDC and every state government? Remember those days? They actually believed that you could hire tens of thousands of people to make phone calls to those who tested positive, find out the people with whom they interacted, and make a determination about the trajectory of the nasty thing.
    2. Despite trillions of spending, massive economic destruction, two years of lost education, the demolition of arts, the censorship of media, and the demonization of non-compliers, in the end, even the world’s most powerful man would get hit with Covid.
    3. One might think this would be a moment for some humility on the part of people who destroyed all principles of public health – shattering the lives of billions – to conduct a global experiment in despotism.
    4. By design, the working classes faced the pathogen first while the professional classes had the technological wherewithal and income stream to enable them to hide in their houses. 

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