Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The Show Trial Is a Set-Up: DC Court will Allow Jan. 6 Committee to Testify Against Steve Bannon — But WILL NOT Allow Steve Bannon to Cross Examine His Accusers

We've seen these tactics before.. The Maoists used show trials and struggle sessions to punish anyone suspected of wrong-think. These unfaithful enemies of the regime were brought forward and publicly humiliated before they received their punishment. This was a warning of what they will face if they dare speak out against the regime.

It's happening in America. And the elites, Big Media, Big Tech, Democrats and establishment Republicans are in on it

  • Former Chief Strategist for President Trump Steve Bannon is facing a one-sided and biased court in Washington DC.
  • Bannon is charged with not honoring a subpoena from the January 6 Committee
  • The government is using evidence from members of the committee, but members have invoked the speech and debate clause to quash the defendants ability to call them as witnesses
  • Basically, the members will be testifying without Bannon having the ability to cross examine them
    1. And the court is allowing the January 6 Committee to use their concocted evidence against Steve Bannon but will not allow Steve Bannon's team to confront his accusers.
    2. The government is using evidence from members of the committee, but members of the committee have invoked the speech and debate clause to quash the defendants ability to call them as witnesses.


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