Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Global Temperature Record Says We're in a "Climate Emergency", It's a Con

Climate emergency is a statistical sleight of hand

  • The widely cited NASA global temperature graph is highly magnified and visually misleading
  • But that hasn’t stopped corporate media from using NASA’s data to inform their readers of a “climate emergency”
  • EverythingClimate has demonstrated how, by manipulating how data appears on a chart, a "climate emergency" is manufactured
  • We should question everything corporate media is promoting

Pro: Official Government Data Shows an Alarming Rapid Rise in Temperature Over 140 years

  • NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) raised the alarm over global temperature increases in the United States in the early 20th century
  • Data from NASA shows that we are in a runaway warming trend that constitutes a climate emergency
  • Media outlets have begun to use the term climate emergency more frequently
  • The world's scientists have warned that global heating beyond 1.5C will significantly worsen extreme weather and suffering for hundreds of millions of people

Con: The widely cited NASA global temperature graph is highly magnified and visually misleading

  • The entire graph and temperature data set from NASA GISS is displaying just a small change of 1.1°C of temperature
  • Because this small temperature change is magnified, it gives the false impression of having a steeply rising slope
  • Magnified and scary-looking temperature data aside, many scientists don't believe we have a "climate emergency" at all
  • There is no climate emergency and climate policies should be designed to benefit the lives of people


  • Global Warming Has Begun, Expert Tells Senate
  • How to Lie with Statistics
  • Greta Thunberg tells world leaders 'you are failing us', as nations announce fresh climate action, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
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