Friday, July 22, 2022

Release the 'Colbert Nine' Records

Stephen Colbert has been a big supporter of the January 6 select committee

  • For months, Colbert has covered the events of January 6 on a nightly basis, often using the latest news out of the committee as grist for his opening monologue.
  • Nine members of Colbert’s production crew were arrested for unlawful entry on the evening of June 16 after Capitol Police received an emergency call about a disturbance at the Longworth House Office Building.

Colbert downplayed the behavior of his employeea

  • "This was first-degree puppetry. This was hijinks with intent to goof," Colbert said on his June 22 show. He insisted his crew had proper permission to remain in the building, that everyone "remained calm," and all had "passed security clearances."
  • But after Matthew Graves, the U.S. attorney handling the criminal cases of at least 850 Americans indicted for participating in the January 6 protests, announced his office dropped charges against Colbert’s crew a day before they were set to appear in a D.C. courtroom, a different story emerged.

The incident

  • According to Capitol Police Chief Thomas Manger, a Democratic staffer called the police's emergency number when he heard a ruckus outside his office, which is next to Boebert's.

When police confronted the group, Jake Plunkett, a director for the show, told the officers that they were “credentialed staff.”

  • Two other members of Colbert’s crew then arrived and confessed they had been “wandering around the Rayburn House Office Building” also without necessary credentials.
  • The crew was filming “comic skits” outside the offices of Jordan, Boebert, Greene, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. 

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